Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yet again...

Yikes, I know, it's already the end of March, the last month has flown by so quickly, and so on and so forth. Does this sound like my last post? Rather than say once again, oh no, alas, I have not written, I will instead just write.

Should you care, here's a quick update: Over the last month I've been a busy little bee and had a lot of stuff happening. I left my job! That's right! I left my job! With only a vague plan for how to, you know, make a living! Bold, right? Seriously though, it's a good development, so it calls for a great big HOORAY! And now I trying my very darndest to do work that I really care for and enjoy, so we'll see how all of that goes! I've also spent a good amount of time organizing my very wee studio and archiving my writing. And organizing creative chaos can be quite a chore. I've been at work on some fancy lil' accoutrements, have launched my Etsy site (for real), and will be adding about half a dozen new items each week. Aaand I've been busy with writing and design work for Beantown Bride, and actually just had a lovely night out with all of the ladies who do work for the site-- it was splendid to meet the rest of the talented crew and put faces to names. So I've been, you know, just generally getting my creative life in order., which is what I aimed to do. Lots of good happenings, which obviously call for some blog celebration, aka lots of exclamation points!!!

So long story short, now that all of that has been taken care of, my writing will find a home here much more regularly. I promise! And you'll also see some fancy schmancy changes made to the blog's layout soon. (Blogger has new custom layout tool, which is awesome news and long overdue. Do you know this? You should know this!)

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you Pamela! I loved your head piece! Hooray to your bold move! :)
